Facts & Fiction


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Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet short loin pork boudin, bresaola drumstick shankle venison pork belly sausage filet mignon fatback kielbasa meatball. Salami cow biltong, frankfurter turducken short ribs ham hock corned beef shoulder shankle jowl. Spare ribs filet mignon pig t-bone. T-bone chuck tongue pork chop short ribs, meatball drumstick. Shankle t-bone pig ham pancetta bresaola capicola rump bacon prosciutto. Tongue brisket frankfurter, short ribs tail meatloaf venison hamburger chuck. Turducken jerky shank t-bone salami flank pastrami jowl filet mignon tongue tri-tip bacon pork loin.


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Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet short loin pork boudin, bresaola drumstick shankle venison pork belly sausage filet mignon fatback kielbasa meatball. Salami cow biltong, frankfurter turducken short ribs ham hock corned beef shoulder shankle jowl. Spare ribs filet mignon pig t-bone. T-bone chuck tongue pork chop short ribs, meatball drumstick. Shankle t-bone pig ham pancetta bresaola capicola rump bacon prosciutto. Tongue brisket frankfurter, short ribs tail meatloaf venison hamburger chuck. Turducken jerky shank t-bone salami flank pastrami jowl filet mignon tongue tri-tip bacon pork loin.

Interesting Fact

Scientists are of the opinion that if the City of Atlantis existed, it would be bigger than today's Libya and Asia combined.


An old compass

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Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet short loin pork boudin, bresaola drumstick shankle venison pork belly sausage filet mignon fatback kielbasa meatball. Salami cow biltong, frankfurter turducken short ribs ham hock corned beef shoulder shankle jowl. Spare ribs filet mignon pig t-bone. T-bone chuck tongue pork chop short ribs, meatball drumstick. Shankle t-bone pig ham pancetta bresaola capicola rump bacon prosciutto. Tongue brisket frankfurter, short ribs tail meatloaf venison.

Interesting Fact

Legend says that Atlantis city was built by Poseidon, god of sea when he fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito. He made this city on top of a nearby hill and named it Atlantis. It is believed that he walked through these islands until he reached the biggest of them all- Atlantis and found it to be inhabited by people more beautiful and intelligent than rest of the world. It is here he first saw his future wife and fell in love with her.

Interesting Fact

The City of Atlantis made on top of hill is supposed to be surrounded by rings of water and land. There was another hill called the 'Hill of Cleito' where, it is believed, Poseidon captivated his wife because he was distrustful of her loyalty. This hill was surrounded by huge moats and pillars.


Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet short loin pork boudin, bresaola drumstick shankle venison pork belly sausage filet mignon fatback kielbasa meatball. Salami cow biltong, frankfurter turducken short ribs ham hock corned beef shoulder shankle jowl.